Well here we are, not many sleeps to go. The Pumas players & supporters are counting down the days until the big one. We have waited 12 years but finally we have created our best ever opportunity to grasp senior & reserves premiership gold. It all happens this Saturday!
What a double header it will be with both Seniors & Reserves playing in the GF’s. Years of persevering through hard times have finally paid dividends & the players are ready to give it their all.
However, they will need your support. If you are a junior, a senior, a past player, mum, dad..etc..in fact we are calling up every Puma fan past & present. We need you all to come along this Saturday & cheer on OUR teams. So put on your colors, tune up you vocal chords & lets give 100% support to these boys.
Also the seniors last training is this Thursday at the clubhouse. Everyone is more then welcome to come along socialize & encourage.
Grand Final Details:
This Saturday 13-09-14
Reserves v Robina 11:15am
Seniors v Burleigh 2pm
@ the Coorparoo Football Club:
Birubi St – Park in school carpark
$7 entry – Children U16 free
Pictured above current young Puma Fans & “Flash Back 30 year” below is the “Menz Sisters” @ the 1984 Puma GF
“Live” Scores
& updates will be posted on junior Facebook Page: “Springwood Pumas Junior & Youth” so please make sure you are prepared by clicking on this link & “Like” the page.
After the Game:
All (including friends, family & kids) are invited to come back to the Puma club house. There will be some finger food, DJ entertainment & we will turn on the oval lights so the kids & family can have a kick.
The Build Up/Back Ground:
*34 of the approx 50 players vying for the 44 spots are either Springwood Juniors or been with the club for 5 years or more. Keep in mind until the start of last season the Pumas Seniors only won 11 in games in 5 years. The majority of the players have been through the tough times including last years heart break GF loss but have stayed loyal & are are now ready to reap the rewards of years of hard work.
*The Pumas Seniors have only lost one game all year. This shock loss proved they are not invincible. However it seems to have re motivated the players as the at last game the Pumas bounced back to win by over 100.
*The Reserves have also only lost one game all year. That was a few weeks back in a final against Robina, who they will now meet again in the GF. Robina reserves will be at full strength as their Senior team has been eliminated.
Robert Raudino 200th
*Grand final day on Saturday will also mark the 200th time Robert Raudino dons the Puma colours. Rob started at the club in 2002 and played in the reserves premiership that year. Earlier in the year he was recognized as one of the 35 Springwood Football Club ‘Hall of Famers’ A true Puma legend!
Lets get out there & support them everyone!
See you all Saturday